Custom-made training DVD
A special service is offered, where Stephen Roberts Safety Training and the Chlorine User work together to develop a Custom Chlorine operations training DVD, made on location within the customer's 'live' Chlorine installation.
The resultant film is then edited onto DVD-ROM for viewing on a personal computer or DVD player.
The DVD may then be used, for example, for refresher training, and training of new staff.
The aim of the DVD is to demonstrate current best practice including:
The correct use of self-contained breathing apparatus.
Safe disconnection and connection of 'live' Chlorine containers, (for either liquid or gaseous feeds), incorporating how to safely detect and correct a 'passing' valve before disconnection of the joint.
How to safely carry out the Hot Water Treatment for the release of stuck valves.
All these techniques are practically demonstrated within the Customer's 'live' Chlorine installation.
SRST have completed custom-DVD's at various cylinder, drum and bulk-handling installations in the UK & Ireland.Examples of the relevant training film are available on request.
If you are interested in the filming & development of your own Chlorine operations training DVD, please enquire by clicking HERE