Booklet: Safety Advice for Bulk Chlorine Installations
This A4 sized reference booklet is 29 pages, in colour or monochrome, giving details of:
Properties of gaseous & liquid Chlorine
Administration of First Aid to a Chlorine gassing-casualty
Personal Protective Clothing
Breathing Apparatus
Searching for & dealing with Chlorine leaks
Dealing with liquid Chlorine spillages
Operating procedures for connection & disconnection to a bulk Chlorine road tanker
Operating procedures for liquid Chlorine vaporisers
Personal Protective Equipment
First Aid treatment for Hypo splashes
Identification, address and emergency telephone numbers for the initiation of ChlorAid response
This booklet may be purchased direct by clicking HERE
<Back DVD:Chlorine - Handle with CareDVD:Working Safely with ChlorineDVD:Custome VideoBOOK:Working Safely with Chlorine & Hypo