Emergency Response Training
Duration | One day classroom |
Venue | Customer Premises |
Schedule | On demand |
This course covers the following information:-
Basic summary of Chlorine and Hypo Appreciation
Principles and Roles within the Chloraid Organisation
Review of past world-wide (Major) Chlorine Incidents
Liquid Chlorine Transfer-Techniques
Chlorine Gas-Cloud Computer-Prediction Technology
Dealing with Liquid Chlorine Spillages
Damage-Assessment of Liquid Chlorine Containers
The Role of the Police in a Chlorine emergency incident *
The Role of the Fore Brigade in a Chlorine emergency incident *
Dealing with the Media in a Chlorine emergency incident
Table-top exercises of major Chlorine incidents
Equipment required for dealing with Chlorine emergency incidents
*Serving Officers local to the Client are usually invited to make these presentations where ever possible
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